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ATT is Raising Rates: You’re Not Getting a Better Deal, So Stop Complaining

ATT Is Raising Rates

ATT is raising rates on its legacy customers.

AT&T is raising rates June 1st 2022 on legacy consumers, including those with grandfathered contracts. The new rates will apply to all customers, including those who have more “recent” versions of att plans. AT&T has released a statement saying that it needs to raise rates to continue providing the best service possible. AT&T says that the higher rates are required to cover the costs of network upgrades and equipment, which they cite as their main reason for the price hike.

The Break Down for Joe Consumer

How this works is that the AT&T legacy family plans will typically increase by $12 monthly and single lines by $6 a month. However, the new prices will not apply to any customers who are on att latest generation of tiered plans. What does this mean for customers? First of all, these prices do not apply to the customers who are already on the latest tiered plans. If you’re already on the latest plan, you will not be included in the price hike and won’t have to pay more. At present, the latest plans are the “Starter,” “Extra,” or “Premium” Plans. If you’re already on any of these plans, you won’t have to pay more for your monthly bills. But if you are on the old grandfather plan, expect the price hike and all that it entails.

How can customers avoid these rate hikes? 

The best way to avoid these rate hikes is to switch to the modern generation of tiered plans. If you’re already on any of the latest generations of tiered plans, you won’t have to pay more. But it might come with some serious downsides. The biggest is that some of these legacy plans have unlimited standalone hotspot data. Unlimited Hotspot is not included in the latest generation of plans. You will be trading a slight reduction in cash to get a downgrade in service effectively. Att, in an effort to improve their lackluster offerings, recently switched their “elite” plan over to “Premium,” which now has a larger tethering limit and a bigger bucket of data for that tethering at 50Gb and 4k streaming. We at MobileInternetGateway favor plans that offer standalone unlimited data hotspots and 5g routers over tethering due to their inherent versatility. Therefore we find the latest offerings by ATT to be a downgrade overall. 

The impact of these changes on the Grandfather Plan Holder

ATT’s rate hikes are unfortunate, but there are ways to avoid them. Switching to a modern ATT plan or to att prepaid data will save you money, but remember, you will lose out on existing grandfather benefits. Though it should be mentioned that modern plans will be able to enable the full capabilities of the new NightHawk M6 and M6 Pro, with such limitations as tiny data plans for these Hotspot plans, it is not worth it to upgrade. If you liked this quick bit you can click here to read more.

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